sábado, 26 de setembro de 2009

My family

I am Sthéfany, I am Thirteen years old. I study in the afternoon.
My parents are Rosangela and Paulo.
I have three sisters. They are Jeniffer, Polliana and Nicolly and two nephews. They are Kauã and Iorani.
I have a great-grandmother she is Ceramira.
I have four great-grandparents. They are Nadir, Angelo, Erondina and Emilio.
I have two dogs, I love my dogs. They are Nani and Quiqui.
I’m happy

terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2009

\um sonho realizado\

" O trabalho a seguir postado foi uma produção realizada em sala de aula, onde usamos duas linguagens: A de Internet e a Norma Culta".

Linguagem da Internet:


Aniversário da Laura

Oi Kirida Laura, stou mandando st convit p vc p t convidar p meu niver.
Cnvidei mts pssoas, inclusiv tu.
A dt eh: 11/12/2009.
A h eh: 16:30h.
O local eh: Mnha ksa.
Vai tr + gnt do q a fsta do ano passado.
Estou mto fliz, já ganhei bastant present; ñ vejo xegar o dia.
Te spero, no meu niver.
Desde já agradeço. T+.

Linguagem da Norma Culta:


Aniversário da laura

Oi querida Laura, estou mandando este convite para você para te convidar para o meu aniversário.
Convidei muitas pessoas inclusive tu.
A data é: 11/12/2009
A hora é: 16h 30 min.
Local é: Minha casa
Vai ter mais gente do que a festa do ano passado.
Estou muito feliz, já ganhei bastante presente; não vejo chegar o dia.
Te espero, no meu aniversário.
Desde já agradeço. Até mais.
Beijos, Tchau.
My life
I am Diego.
I am thirteen years old.
I study in the afternoon.
My parentS : MARIA ISABEL and Cladimir.
I have two brothers. They are Jéferson and Thiago.
I have five uncles and six aunts.

quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2009

My life

My name is Letícia. I am twelve years old. I study in the afternoon.
My parents are: Elisângela and Rogério.
I have not brother.
My uncles are: Sandro, Roque and Pedro.
My aunts are: Rosane, Lisandra and Tavani.
My cousins are: Filipe, Dhiulia and Thayanne.
My grandparents are: Genezi and Nicolau, Nei and Agostinho.
The names of my great-grandmothers are: Erci and Cecília.
The names of my great-grandfathers are: Idioclides and Otávio.
I love my life.

domingo, 13 de setembro de 2009

My family

I'm Luana. I'm thirteen years old. I study in the afternoon.
My parents are Reny and Mêdia.
I have one brother. He is Lucas.
I have many uncles and aunts and many cousins.
I have two grandmothers, and a great-grandfather and a great-grandmother.
I have many friends. I'm happy :D

By: Lúuh

quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2009

My Family
I'm Caroline, I am thirteen years old.I study in Tancredo Neves School, in the afternoon.
My mother is Beatriz, she is the best mother of the world.I have a brother,he is Gabriel and is fifteen years old.My family is very happy. I love my family!

By: Caarol³

quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2009




My family !
Hi,my name is Ana Paula S. Dias . I am thirteen years old. I'm short. I have brown eyes and hair.
I have two brothers and a sister, my brothers are Robson and Giovanne and my sister is Lisiane.
My parents are: Maguina I. B. Spitzmacher and Antônio Joel A. Dias .My mother is blond, small, green eyes and well loving.My father is quiet, dark like me, dark brown eyes and loving.
My mother and I work as secretaries in the HIDROGESSO firm. It is of my father.
And now I'm very happy because I'll be aunt.
But I just wanted to say:I am very happy with this family !

quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2009

I am Wellington dos Santos Vieira.
I am thirteen years old and study in the afternoon .
I live with my parents, my sister and two nephews.
My dad is Antonio de Limas Vieira. It is a federal employer.
My mother is Ana dos Santos Vieira. It is a housewife.
My sister is Cristiellen Dos Santos Vieira. She studies in the state school Tancredo Neves and study at night.
My grandmother materna is Otillia Dos Santos Vieira. She is a housewife.
My grandfather materna is Adão Valerio Silva dos Santos. He is a rail.
My grandfather paternal is Marciano da Silva Vieira. He is an agriculturist.
My grandmother paternal is Geci de Limas Vieira. She is a housewife. She died.
I have a great family and I am much happy.


terça-feira, 1 de setembro de 2009

My family

I am Euclides Fernando Bohrer da Silva. I am thirteen years old. I study in the afternoon, in seventh group.
I live with my parents and my sister.
My father is Dilnei, he is a trucker;
my mother is Rosaura, she is a teacher of religious education;
my sister is Alana, she estudies in third group.
I have eleven uncles in total.
I have two grandmothers: Enilda and Joseva and
two grandfathers: Euclides and Fernando.
I like my dogs and my cat.